Thursday, 6 December 2012

Digipak - What is a digipak?

A digipak is a style of CD packaging. It consists of a front and back cover with the addition of other features. We will be making a 6 panel digipak. As well as a front and back cover, we will also have a page with image of the artist and a page with the lyrics to the song. We decided to include these due to the research we had undergone earlier. This is very common, especially for indie/acoustic artists and seeing as our artist/song falls under the indie/acoustic genre we felt it was suitable. Due to the 'digital age' consumers tend to download their music thus losing out on this physical feature. They miss out on the interesting additions artists put decide to put in their digipaks.

Florence Welch from "Florence + the Machine"had included a booklet in her album full of lyrics and the interesting stories behind the making of the songs. Its something you can't experience through a download.

Digipak - Album Cover Ideas

This is the original picture we decided to use for our CD front cover. Due to our research into indie/acoustic album, we felt that this image worked really well. Indie/acoustic album covers tend to be more artistic, they usually don't have a picture of the artist so that is why we didn't either.

We experimented with different effects to make the image more interesting. This was done on Photoshop. This effect is called glowsticks under the stylised effect; it's something you would expect on an indie album cover. We also tried out different fonts and font colours. We decided that this font was the best, and out of all the colours we used, white looked best with this particular effect.

This was another possible idea however due to the darkness and effect, the multi-colours are less visible/bright therefore its less "eye grabbing", we feel the original image grabs the attention more which is key.

This image is close to the original however we have brightened her eyes to make it more appealing. This isn't the particular image we'll use because the font is hard to read due to the colour of the font and the many colours already in the image. It is also too close to the original, we feel it should be more edited, in terms of altering the image via effects.

The white font works better here as well, so as a group we decided on using this font in white, no matter what edit we finally decided to use. 

First Edit

We presented the first edit of our music video, this is the feedback we got. We will use this to improve on the things that the audience felt needed work on. 

How would you rate our music video?
Excellent: 2
Good: 7
Ok: 0
Poor: 0

Our audiences felt that our music video is generally "good" which means their is definitely room for improvement and refinement. Two of our audience rated it "excellent" which is pleasing however we would agree with the majority. We feel that we will definitely need to film more "narrative" footage as the general view was that its more interesting than the performance.

What are the strengths of our music video?
Performance: 3
Editing: 4
Lighting: 2
Lip sync: 7
Narrative: 7
Star image: 5

It is clear that our music video has many strengths however we feel like we have too much performance and nit enough narrative. The majority of our audience felt that the narrative and lip synching were our biggest strengths so we will play to them.

How can we improve our music video?
More performance: 0
Fine tune editing: 6
Improve lip sync: 0
Lighting: 2
Other: 1

It is clear that we need to fine tune our editing. With more narrative footage it will give us more scope and opportunity to have shorter clips; this will make it more interesting.

Does the music video suit the music track?
Yes: 9
No: 0

Primarily, our audience felt that our music video suited the song which is essential. This means that we are on the right tracks and the changes/alterations we have to make aren't drastic.